
Shimane University 

Matsue, Shimane, Japan 


A dedicated website for Registration and Abstract submission is now available.


If you need to obtain visa to enter Japan, please contact Corresponding Staff.
Shinya Tsukada

We will send a reply after confirming your registration.

Registration Fee

          Early-bird resistration will be closed on Apr. 30th.
          Payment by credit card is available.
   Regular  Student Accompany  Retired
 Early bird fee 35,000 JPY  10,000 JPY  8,000 JPY 10,000 JPY
 Normal fee 40,000 JPY  15,000 JPY  8,000 JPY 15,000 JPY
 Banquet  5,000 JPY 2,000 JPY   5,000 JPY  5,000 JPY
 excursion  2,000 JPY 1,500 JPY  2,000 JPY  2,000 JPY

         JTB Western Japan, Corp. collects the registration fees on behalf of the organizers.
         Your credit card statement shows that the payment will be made to the name of JTB Corp.
The registration fee includes
   light food at welcome party (June 19),
   lunch (June 20-22),
   and snack at break time (June 20-23).

Abstract Template

Abstract template can be downloaded from links below.
MS word (.docx)
          MS word (.doc)

Upload your abstract through the registration system.

If you find any inconvenience, let us know please.


Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline
Jan. 9, 2016
Jan. 31,2016

Notification of acceptance
Feb. 23, 2016

Early bird registration deadline
Apr. 30, 2016

Online registration closes
May 31, 2016

Manuscript deadline
June 22, 2016