
Japan-China Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications

Japan-China Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications, Matsue Terrsa Hall, Matsue, Shimane JPN

Thank You Note After Event

   Thank you for attending the JCFMA-16 conference. Your presence and contributions made JCFMA-16 a success. We hope you found the discussions insightful and the experience enriching. We look forward to seeing you in next CJFMA-17 at 長沙市 in 2025.


   You are welcome to Matsue, the exciting event of The 16th Japan-China Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications (JCFMA-16). The JCFMA consists of scientific presentations and discussions covering various topics associated with ferroelectricity.
   The main objectives of this conference are to provide a unique opportunity to discuss the latest progress in ferroelectrics and promote this field. The conference venue, Matsue, is Shimane prefecture's capital city and is in the historical region. You will discover the region's rich culture and history during the conference. We are looking forward to seeing you in Shimane in 2024.

Shinya TSUKADA (Shimane University, JPN)
Chair of the 16th JCFMA Secretariat


Award Winners are updated.
Program of the final version is updated
Abstract Book
The password will be announced to participants only.
Banquet & Excursion
on July 12: A booklet with schedule and location information has been uploaded.
(To all) In order to ensure the smooth running of the conference and to help us apply for grants, please answer the following questionnaire.
Chinese participants: Hotel, Award, and Events application
Japanese participants: Schedule, Award and Events application


registration fees and ways to register
Abstract book, templates and submission procedures
schedule, scientific presentations, and rules
Sights and Hot Springs



- Early Registration: June 28
 - Abstract Submission: May 31
-VISA Application: March 31

Committee & Previous Events

JCFMA-16 Secretariat

e-mail: jcfma@edu.shimane-u.ac.jp