Food Functionality Laboratory (Tsurunaga Lab.)

Introduction to Tsurunaga Laboratory

Welcome to “Food Functionality Laboratory (Tsurunaga Lab)”

Faculty of Human Science, Shimane University
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Shimane University
Professor Yoko Tsurunaga, Ph.D

Yoko Tsurunagai

Three functionalities of food (nourishment, preference, and biological regulation) influence biological functions and are important for assessing foods. Food Functionality laboratory aim to optimize combinations of these functionalities in foods through cooking and food processing technologies. Our laboratory pay special attention to antioxidative properties of ingredients and processed food to advance their research. Technologies for "Cooking," "Food processing," and "Analysis" are used to design experimental methods and experiment. Presentations at academic conferences and publication of research articles are not restricted, and technological developments that can be put to practical use are a focus for current research. Let us who are interested in food research come together as one in the Food Functionality Laboratory.

Food Functionality Laboratory is engaged in the following concrete research.

  • Reserch into anti-oxidation strategies and antioxidants in agriculture, forestry, and marine products.
  • Development of food processing methods using the properties of persimmon tannins
  • Functional improvement of agricultural products by light irradiation technologies.
  • Development of healthy teas with high levels of three functionality.

Food Science Laboratory wholeheartedly welcomes those keenly interested in food research and those who seek admission to the laboratory at the undergraduate or graduate levels.


Faculty of Human sciences, Shimane University, 1060, Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue, Shimane, 690-8504, Japan
